
Your money goes a long way.

If you would like to give towards our new City Campus building project, you can do so by depositing straight to our bank account (details below), or by clicking the button below:

Bank Details:

Here are our account details for all donations:

Bank Account: 06 0821 0579769 00

Code: Your Giving Number

Reference: Legacy

Pledge to an amount over a year. You may want to set up a weekly or monthly AP.

Other ways you can get involved.


Everyone has a part to play in making this happen. Ask God what part He has for you. The Church is a beautiful, diverse group of people with very different gifts, talents, abilities and resources.

Prayerfully consider what kingdom seeds you can plant that will bear fruit beyond your lifetime.


You'll hear us talk a lot about legacy. The Bible is full of inspiring characters who trusted God and invested their time, talents and money into kingdom things that bore fruit beyond their lifetime. The Church as we know it today has largely come from faithful people who've gone before us and sacrificially invested to pay it forward. Their legacy is what we see the fruit of in our lifetime and beyond. It's about equal sacrifice for all of us, not equal giving.


Sometimes just getting started is the hardest part. Take action in faith (even in a small way at first) in whatever way God is leading you to contribute to the vision.

If you have ideas you’d like to chat through please email us.